
Miniaturization happens under many themes. A small replica of buildings or typical elements is fairly common. The art value created through this genre of sculpting or making objects is remarkable. The sculptors have taken an opportunity in relieving or articulating the final surface of stone in wood and terracotta. Some of the finest examples of woodwork of Gujarat represent this nuance. The frame of the niches in Adalaj ni vaav and at the Jumma Mosque, both at Ahmedabad have floral patterns, columns of standard order, lotus flower and the pot that carries the nuances of miniaturization especially in sandstone and marble. Transparency, overlapping, juxtaposition, penetration and movement are achieved in these types of sculpted objects/designs. Bass relief and full-bodied sculptures both have these qualities. One can see this play in running bands, garments of the statutory, floral motifs and building components. Tajia, the Islamic commemorative object (of the martyr Hazrat Imam Hussain) clearly represents another category of miniaturization where the replicas of buildings are miniaturized. Such Tajia(s) in metal are few and are usually in silver and gold, however, the ones that are carried in the procession are noteworthy. Here an entirely new form of art emerges. The bamboo armature and metal foil paper over it result in the representational images of the mosques from many parts of India and abroad.
Miniaturization, Tajia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Miniaturization, Tajia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Tajia festival in Ahmedabad where imaginary and real mosque examples are made as large size floats. However they remain miniaturized replica of such buildings. In reality they are made on a bamboo skeleton with decorative aluminum foil papers and such. However when one sees an example of a Tajia that is not to be submerged in water, the object gets made by a gold smith.



Column orders, lintels, brackets and certain filigree ideas have been used in miniature form in architecture of many regions of the country. 1 In Hampi an enigma is created where a thick column is replaced by a number of miniaturized columns. 2 A vijayasthambh in front of a temple atop Chandragiri hill. This vijayasthambh has a miniaturized temple that culminates the sthambh (tall column). The temple atop the sthambh is miniaturized along with the columns and the brackets in exactly their original order. In other examples the miniaturization of the temple column order is seen in the niche. Even in Indo-Islamic period similar tradition of sculpting continues. Once again, in Hampi one finds an entire temple profile carved in the plinth.