Status of Urbanity

Survival amidst chaos, lowering the standards of public life, each one for one’s self, lack of the collective, parking, encroachments, disrespect to the simple rules of the road, garbage, lack of cleanliness..... All this obliterating the good things that we have, taking away from us the lessons that we have learnt from ‘living in tight spaces’ and ‘being tolerant’. One has to look with a magnifying glass to find a semblance of order and sanity. The people, politicians, police are equally oblivious of this alarming situation as it suits the interest of each one of these. ‘Status of Urbanity’ is a live drama in which all of us are actors where none wants to assume one’s role and the drama goes on! To blame it on the laari-gallawalas, footpath vendors and the small time sellers (the informal sector) is a cliché. “….A reasonable consideration for the rights and feelings of the others is the basis of a social conduct….” someone has said. Does anyone find fault with this simple definition that can shape good, civilized urban environments and a good society? To the Indian city and its people can I tell “You have come a long way, about getting some sense in your head”?
Fairs and Festivals

Fairs and Festivals

Festivities at city level and it's symbolism in private life especially through the gestures related to mandala worship, in different communities, is remarkable. Here there are three mandalas, one of them is a daily figure to be made in front of the house, second is of Jain origin and the third defines the vastu purush mandala. The picture below is of unmarried rabari women who gather at Saraswati River for a festival when matchmaking happens.

Urbanity, Fairs and Festivals

Urbanity, Fairs and Festivals

Fairs and festivals in an urban setting is another feature of Indian urbanity. Ganesh Visarjan (above) in Mumbai and Onam (below) festival in Trichur, Kerala are good examples of how the entire city gets taken over by the festivities.

Urbanity, Bazaar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Urbanity, Bazaar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

1 Indian urban scenario is much defined by the bazaar activities in the most informal manner. Here, we see the old city bazaar during festival times. 2 Daily scenario in the middle of the city. 3 A traffic circle in new part of the city. 4 An overloaded truck that was overturned on the peripheral road when the ring road did not exist. 5 A traditional neighbourhood in the old city.

Manek Chowk, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Manek Chowk, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

1 Colonial time rendition of a balcony in Manek Chowk, Krishna in Baroque. Clockwise: 2, 3 The vegetable market area with a female vendor. 4 Aluminum utensils on display. 5 A dormer with policeman of colonial times as its décor. 6 Façade of the old colonial time bordello in Manek Chowk.